I took an abstract turn this week and might get lost there for a while. I never managed to connect with abstract art before. I found it pretentious, fake, superficial, boring. But making it felt different. It was like embedding it with a part of myself. Like voldemort with an horcrux. Really therapeutic. I am completely open to the possibility that most will see nothing in it but pretentious boring "art" but I'm ok with that. I made this one for me. 
It is called Hug.
We all need a good hug sometime. It elevates us, strengthens us. It brings a kind of warmth and light that envelops us completely. 
It can be from a loved one, a good friend, even from a stranger. It can also be to one's self. Metaphorically I mean. You can try wrapping your own arms around your body but it probably won't feel the same. A hug is about caring, and improving your #mentalhealth means caring for yourself. Giving care and kindness. 
Growing up is being able to look back and realise that some things that were difficult then don't have to be difficult now. Steps that seemed so high are easily climbable now. That you don't have to keep carrying all this alone, or be afraid of it. And that now you have tools that the child you were didn't have.
So hey to my first abstract piece and what I see in it. If you see something else, please let me know.

